Monday, February 08, 2021

 Wow, its now February 8, 2021. The orange clown is no longer in office. We've had an insurrection at the nation's capital, and people there were killed. A huge mob was urged on by mr Trump, and rudy giuliani. 

People falling for absolute insanity as though it is reality. Qanon, Pizzagate, Slender man, MoMo , Antifa, Flat earth. Gawd. I cannot believe this has been going on. 

A bats@##$%% it crazy woman from the state of  Georgia actually elected to serve in national government in the house of representatives. marjorie taylor greene. A nut job. Among her many insane rants, she denied school shootings on video, and then denied she said what she actually said. 

Thousands of nut jobs running around with firearms claiming to be "taking back the country". 

 On top of all this, we have the worst pandemic in a hundred years here and in the rest of the world. The orange clown did nothing to slow it down, and he denied the whole thing for nearly a year, and at the same time, suggested people drink, or inject bleach to kill the Covid 19 virus. The man is a whack job. Vaccines are available, but trump did nothing to help organize the distribution. 

It will take years to undo the massive damage mr trump and his cabal have done to this country. Over half a million people have lost their lives to Covid 19 in this country in the past year. It will take YEARS to recover from this madness trump and his idiots have created!!! God help us all.  


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